Recently, the Trump administration has been attempting to roll out a series of initiatives that would drastically limit the influx of legal immigrants to the United States. This past Saturday, Judge Michael Simon, a Federal Judge in Oregon, issued a nationwide restraining order preventing U.S. Consular Officers from denying immigrant visas to foreign nationals who could not prove that they had health insurance and/or the ability to pay for medical costs upon becoming permanent residents of the United States. President Trump had justified this directive to U.S. Consular Officers on the basis that immigrants were more likely to be uninsured than natural-born U.S. citizens. The American Immigration Lawyers Association argued that the policy was "plainly illegal", and claimed that it would effectively bar up to hundreds of thousands of otherwise qualified immigrants from coming to the U.S. to start a new life. See prior article titled Requirement That Immigrants Obtain Health Insurance Likely Illegal.
We assist countless foreign nationals and we will be happy to personally assist you with your application as well. Drop us a line at or call us at (888)354-6257. For reasons on why you should consult an immigration attorney whenever you have an immigration issue, see our page titled: Reasons Why it is Vital to Use an Immigration Lawyer.