Traditionally, certain nonimmigrant foreign nationals, such as students, exchange visitors, and foreign media personnel (F, J, and I visitors, respectively), have been admitted to the USA for "Duration of Status", abbreviated as "D/S". (This is why the entry stamps in those persons' passports were annotated with "D/S" rather than a specific date by which to exit the USA). Under the current laws, foreign nationals who are admitted for "Duration of Status" are allowed to remain in the USA so long as they comply with the terms of their respective admissions. Accordingly, persons admitted to USA as F-1 students can remain in USA so long as they continue to attend classes and not work without authorization. If such persons fail to attend classes or work without authorization, they are out of status and no longer allowed to continue to stay in USA. Under the newly proposed rule, all students, exchange visitors, and foreign media personnel would be admitted until specific dates, some as short as two years. See article: DHS Proposing Time Limits on International Students, Exchange Visitors.
We assist countless foreign nationals and we will be happy to personally assist you with your application as well. Drop us a line at Lawyer@MurrayLawNJ.com or call us at (888)354-6257. For reasons on why you should consult an immigration attorney whenever you have an immigration issue, see our page titled: Reasons Why it is Vital to Use an Immigration Lawyer.