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Current Administration Sued for Excessive Vetting of Social Media Accounts

Recently, the U.S. government began requiring that applicants for U.S. visas disclose their social media handles on their visa application forms. This very invasive scrutiny of potentially private posts by individuals caused an uproar by not just privacy rights advocates, but a substantial portion of the general public.

This very invasive scrutiny of potentially private posts by U.S. visa applicants caused an uproar not just at home in the U.S., but also abroad. Now, at least one person has decided to challenge this potential overreach by the current administration, filing a lawsuit. Some of the problems caused by requesting that applicants disclose their social media handles are thoughtfully discussed in the New York Times article "Trump Administration Sued Over Social Media Screening for Visa Applicants".

We assist countless foreign nationals and we will be happy to personally assist you with your application as well. Drop us a line at or call us at (888)354-6257. For reasons on why you should consult an immigration attorney whenever you have an immigration issue, see our page titled: Reasons Why it is Vital to Use an Immigration Lawyer.



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